Monday, February 22, 2021

How-To "Check Network Adapter Details in Windows"

 We open a command prompt and type:

wmic nic get AdapterType, Name, Installed, MACAddress, PowerManagementSupported, Speed

The output will present all the network devices installed on our system as shown in Device Manager, including their MAC Address, the supported speed and their name.

How-To "Install Telnet on a Windows computer"

Since Telnet is not installed by default in Windows we can do so using the following procedure:

a. we press Start and then type cmd, Right-click on it and choose "Run As Administrator".

b. we execute the command: 

dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

and the telnet utility is ready to be executed as a command from the command prompt!!! 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Let's say Goodbye to 2020

 Apart from the Covid Epidemic, 2020 has been a productive year. Udacity has offered me a scholarship for a gentle intro to Data Science, Pluralsight has provided me access to their elearning programs and Coursera gave a six-month free tickets to all its courses. I would like to thank them for the opportunities for me to attend the following and receive the corresponding certificates, but mostly the experience:

  1. Data Science - Udacity Bertelsman Scholarship (16 March)
  2. Pluralsight - Ethical Hacking: Understanding Ethical Hacking
  3. Pluralsight - Exploring Your First Data Set with R
  4. Pluralsight - Introduction to Data Science in R (Conference - 50 minutes)
  5. Pluralsight - Querying and Converting Data Types in R
  6. Pluralsight - Learning R through Sports, or Learning Sports through R: CodeMash
  7. Pluralsight - Importing Formatted Text Files: R Playbook
  8. Coursera (John Hopkins) - Covid-19 Course
  9. Coursera - The Modern World, Part Two: Global History since 1910 (University of Virginia)
  10. Coursera - The Data Scientist's Toolbox (John Hopkins University)
  11. Coursera - Getting and Cleaning Data (John Hopkins University)
  12. Coursera - R Programming (John Hopkins University)
  13. Coursera - Getting Started with R Studio (Project)
  14. Coursera - Build Data Analysis Tools using R and Dplyr (Project)
  15. Coursera - Build Data Analysis and Transformational Skills in R using Dplyr (Project)
  16. Coursera - Design and Simulate Home Networks in Packet Tracer (Project)