Thursday, January 7, 2021

Let's say Goodbye to 2020

 Apart from the Covid Epidemic, 2020 has been a productive year. Udacity has offered me a scholarship for a gentle intro to Data Science, Pluralsight has provided me access to their elearning programs and Coursera gave a six-month free tickets to all its courses. I would like to thank them for the opportunities for me to attend the following and receive the corresponding certificates, but mostly the experience:

  1. Data Science - Udacity Bertelsman Scholarship (16 March)
  2. Pluralsight - Ethical Hacking: Understanding Ethical Hacking
  3. Pluralsight - Exploring Your First Data Set with R
  4. Pluralsight - Introduction to Data Science in R (Conference - 50 minutes)
  5. Pluralsight - Querying and Converting Data Types in R
  6. Pluralsight - Learning R through Sports, or Learning Sports through R: CodeMash
  7. Pluralsight - Importing Formatted Text Files: R Playbook
  8. Coursera (John Hopkins) - Covid-19 Course
  9. Coursera - The Modern World, Part Two: Global History since 1910 (University of Virginia)
  10. Coursera - The Data Scientist's Toolbox (John Hopkins University)
  11. Coursera - Getting and Cleaning Data (John Hopkins University)
  12. Coursera - R Programming (John Hopkins University)
  13. Coursera - Getting Started with R Studio (Project)
  14. Coursera - Build Data Analysis Tools using R and Dplyr (Project)
  15. Coursera - Build Data Analysis and Transformational Skills in R using Dplyr (Project)
  16. Coursera - Design and Simulate Home Networks in Packet Tracer (Project)

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